Living on a tiny red dot

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Despite a hetic week, i still learnt:

1) That in UK, women are desperated to lose their virginity that they decided to auction it on e-bay when they still have their viriginity by the age of 30. But in Singapore, majority of the girls are losing it at a cost of $0.

2) That nowadays you do not need to step out of your house to top up your ez-link card. You can just buy a reader to top it up online when you are at home. Soon i will be able to order chicken rice from my favourite stall online using credit card.

3) That every three days there will be an escalators accident. Maybe instead of Lift Upgrading Programme (LUP), we should have Escalators Upgrading Programme (EUP) for our next election. We get to vote for which shopping centre should get the upgrading of escalators.

4) That Creative should not be continuing their MP3 player business, they should just go around sueing companies who use their design and earn money from there. Last week won Apple, this week don't know sueing which mobile phone company for using their design.


Creative Technology may take legal action against some mobile phone makers which have allegedly infringed its patented Zen technology.

This comes barely a week after Apple settled out of court its differences with Creative over the same patent.

The Zen patent, which was granted by the US Patent Office last August, is essentially a user interface for the management of songs stored in MP3 players.

<Click for full report>

5) That it is economical to marry a very young girls, when i mention 'very', the age gap must be at least 10-20 years different because not only you get a wife, your son will gain a stepmum and 'sis' and sometime, gain an idol. Very worth, 2 for the price of 1, best of both world.

Time for me to start eyeing after 10 years old small girls? i don't want to be the next Michael Jackson.

6) That people only call or sms you when you are busy dirtying your hand like eating BBQ chicken wing.

7) That during the IMF, no outdoor protest are allowed, only indoor protest are allowed. Maybe because Singapore weather hot, if outdoor protest may kana heatstroke, indoor protest got aircon ma.

8) That authority should set up yellow box for protestor during IMF.

9) That there is only 10 days left to enlistment.

10) That the number 10 is my favourite number.

Blog reviews.

<click here>

if u think Singaporeans are a bunch of polite citizens who go around smiling non stop, think again. Rude Singaporean is a blog which capture all the ugly side of Singaporean in public, typical examples being teenagers act sleeping just because they do not want to give up their seats to those in need to those Singaporean who enjoy talking aloud on their handphone at public places like library or cinema. Very interesting blog i must say.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Once in a lifetime

Okie, i am super duper tired after a day of soccer and movie, but i just want to say that today i got a once in a lifetime chance because i saw Felicia Chin at Eunos MRT Station as she was filming there. Call me a snob or something because thoughout the whole 10 minutes of standing there and watching her, i totally forget to take out my phone to at least take a photo of her. Guess i was too memerized by her beauty, her eyes can talk i swear. Godly beauty or at least one of the most best beauties i come across so far to me.

PS: this photo is not taken by me although i hope i would have taken a photo of her. DAMN!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


This week i have learnt:

1) That its kinky to say 'I swallow' on advertisement.

2) That Zoe Tay is famous now because she swallow.

3) That all gay take drug.

4) That teachers who take drugs are gay.

5) That being a policeman is a relaxing job because you will be task to sitting infront of the computer undercovering as a gay in online chatting. You would lured the gay out for sex and ask the gay to bring drugs so that you can nab the gay.

6) That its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work in the IR (Integrated Resort). I wonder if it is consider a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to wash toilets in IR.

Excerpt from Newpaper:

For Adelene Tan, retail leasing manager of Marina Bay Sands, working with the IR is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

7) That government do not need to create jobs for Singaporean now because Singaporeans are busy sending resume to work in the IR when it open in 2009.

8) That there will only be 8 planets in the solar system because Pluto is simply too small.

Ok, i feel cheated because all along i been taught that there are 9 planets in the solar system, can anyone return me the money my mum spend on educating me for the past 10 years or so?

9) That it is dangerous to shop nowadays because glass panel might just falls on you while you are shopping. We should wear protective gear like helmet, elbow guards, knee guards, ankle guards and etc. to prevent ourselves from getting hurted while shopping.

10) That the Newpaper should use better title for their article (at least abit more sympathizing)


Why not the reporter try letting a glass panel fall on her so that she can feel the coolness of it?

Friday, August 25, 2006

TGIF - Hot babes on the alert

Was watching 我猜 last night before turning in. There was this hot babe in their show that left most of the guys in Eat Drink Man Women (EDMW) discussing and drooling over her. Some of the pipples in the forum even found her blog. I can only say she is drop dead gorgeous, and she have the criteria that most guys need to make her your dream girlfriend. Pretty, sexy, good figure, rich (her dad own resturant in Shanghai if i am not wrong) single and lastly she can cook (she is top gourmet in Taiwan). She can beat Taiwan's top model Lin Zhi Ling hands down anytime. Okie, someone please wake me up, i don't believe such girls with such great criteria exist.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy 22nd Birthday to Yinan

I seriously cannot find any better picture than this for Yinan but still i want to wish you on my blog a Happy Birthday. Okie you are 22 years old already and i am still 20 hahahaha.

*PS* to Yinan, i will take down this picture only if you are able to give me a hensum picture of your own.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

PES - Pre-Enlistment Sydrome

No matter how prepared you are mentally and physically you are for enlistment to National Service (NS), when you happen to come across your enlistment letter, you will let out a huge sigh. Afterwhich, you will start to develop PES (Pre-Enlistment Sydrome) not Pro Evolution Soccer to game addicts.

Symptom that one have developed PES:

1) Always feel that there is alot of things to do.
2) Always feel that there is not enough time.
3) Feel that there is still alot of places you haven't been to
4) Feel that there is alot of friends and working colleague that you haven't meet before enlisting.
5) Always feeling very sian

Counting down to enlistment day: 15 days.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Miracle do happen sometimes.

Look! For once, i think once in a million times, my connection past the 1 day mark. For once, i am no longer feeling like a 56kbps user because internet speed have certainly picked up for the past few days. Have to post this up if not readers will always comment that i only know how to complain. Again for once, i praise Starhub. Think they are afraid to handle my calls in the middle of the night.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Today i have learnt:

1) That mee siam got hum.

2) That Jack Neo is the offical entertainer of jokes for Singapore while mrbrown can only be the underground illegal offical entertainer of jokes for Singapore.

3) That we must smile 4 millions times and welcome foreign talent coming to our country to take up our jobs, play our girls, take our money and run home.

4) That although we are moving into the digital ages, we are not entitled to post our views and comment on mainstream media.

5) That authorities don't need a MySpace account, they need a Friendster account. Testimonial are welcome.

6) That we can have the Top FIFA World Cup referee, Top RoboWorld Cup team but we will never have a Top national football team.

7) That government are replying at our comment made on the mainstream media and we are entitled to reply back but newspaper won't published it.

8) That bah chor mee and mee siam will be the next tools for election 5 years later. We will get to vote for bah chor mee don't wan tur kwa or mee siam don't want hum

9) If Thailands are called the land of thousands smile, we can call ourselves the land of 4 millions smile.

10) That we are going to be a fully plastic country in the future because even foodcourt (e.g. Kopitiam) are going cashless. We are only allowed to use the cashcard they issued and no cash is allowed.

11) That i will have to pay 5 dollars to purchase a dumb plastic card even if i were to purchase ONLY a drink. I seldom dine at foodcourt because the food is bad and cost twice as much ($4 for a bowl of bah chor mee worth it?).

12) That toilet auntie collecting 10 cents/toilet visit will be out of job soon. We will be scanning our cashcard when going into the toilet, 10 cents dedcuted. Deduct another 10 cents from cashcard to use the tap to wash hand. Another 10 cents deducted to use the hand dryer.

13) That sooner or later, the only card we will be bringing out will be our Identification Card (IC) it will be an all in one card, CashCard, Ez-link, IC,credit card, debit card,phonecard. You want it to be what kind of card they will be what kind of card.

14) That 13 is an unlucky number.

A trip to Republic Polytechnic

My 1st ever trip to Republic Polytechnic (RP), unlike TP (Temasek Polytechnic), it is not overcrowded during break time at all. Maybe the student studying in there wasn't as much as TP. The library (4 storey) is a place of contradiction, i saw a sign which said, 'no food and drinks allowed' and there is a cafe on the 4th level of the library with pool table. Was searching for the sports complex when I came across this picture. A foreign worker standing on top of the water, its a competition pool (2 meters of depth at least) by the way. At 1st look you will be amazed, but when you look long enough, when I mentioned long enough, it around 3 minutes, you will spot a ladder below him.

Call me snobbish or what but this is something i won't find in TP i not sure if other polytechnics have this. Its a state of the arts escalators! TP should have this long ago to benefits lazy bum like me. More people will not be late for lecture and tutorial because of wasting time waiting for lifts and squeezing into the lifts.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Red Sky in the evening.

Was on my way down to the provision shop to help mum collect her newspaper when i saw this. Decided to take out my handphone and take a picture of it. Just love the scene of red sky don't know why. Sometime, will wish for someone to be just beside me to share the scene, but i know i am not alone because i can take a picture and share with readers of my blog. Beautiful Sunday, i hope all readers' Sunday will be as beautiful as mine. Sweet.

Friday, August 18, 2006

TGIF - Cool Gadgets

Blog of wishes, a website or blog that is hosting cool IT gadgets, a heaven for IT geek. I admit i am not an IT geek or rather not that geek yet, but i really hope to own one of those cool gadgets inside.

Why is there a need for bulky harddisk when you can store 50GB of data all inside 1 small Blu-Ray Disc.


This Ichair is much better and worth for money than OSIM's IGallop.


This is the idea addition that i want to get for my n6230i. A phone that you can listen to sms, call, take picture, listen to music, surf web via GPRS in toilet and lastly use it as a mouse! It will be perfect if it can be use to watch TV.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bar Chor Mee

Was flipping through my msn received file when i saw this: My commitment to Bah Chor Mee done by Xavier. Decided to share the content here to prove to pipple how bo liao NSF can be when they are craving for bah chor mee.

Here it goes:

we the lovers of the bah chor mee
pledge ourselves to only eat the best
regardless of race, no matter who cook it
to eat the most delicious of bah chor mee
base on the price and my taste bud
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our noodles.

PS: Vier, please try to do a rap on it next time, it may work better.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Today i have learnt:

1) That never to use your newspaper to help you reserved a place in the canteen while you are away buying your food. The seat will not be taken up but the newspaper will be taken by some bugger who passed by your seat. (curse him)

2) That people who always misunderstood others will be afraid of being misunderstood.

3) That it is okie to spend $460 publishing a public apology on newspaper after you punched a local MP and waited 6 years to get back $380.87.

4) That when you publish a public apology on the newspaper because you punched a local MP, you must include 'THANK YOU' inside. For what kind of reason, i don't know. Maybe 'thanks for letting me punch you Mr MP.'? Think i better stop this before i am labelled a paristan player in politics.

5) That foreigner in Singapore can get license to do protest during IMF while Singaporean in Singapore will most probably only be able to get license to hang their plant outside their windows.

6) That foreigner have the license to hold protest during IMF, Singaporean only have the license to smile during IMF

7) That Yellow Ribbon project is a project by government to give ex convicts 2nd chance,
Yellow ribbon project is a project by government to give ex convicts 2nd chance, Yellow ribbon project is a project by government to give ex convicts 2nd chance.

8) 'Delivery man not allowed access to IMF venue because he is an ex convicts? ' This is what i saw on the newspaper report headline today. Did i mention
Yellow ribbon project is project by government to give ex convicts 2nd chance?

Tomorrow newspaper headline will most probably read: ' Ex convicts to be cordoned off Suntec City in preparation for upcoming IMF'.

9) That students caught beating up other fellow mates will be subject to public caning, but a teacher caught beating up students will only be given verbal warning and an offical warning letter.

10) That when you are famous because u get caught in an infamous home made video, despo guys will use software to edit their face to your photo that they found online.

Excrept from someone's blog -

*Dotz* I've been trying to figure how to use photoshop for editing. GosH!!!! Can u change my hubby's head back???

11) That once again i am convinced that all show and drama have the same ending as what i have mentioned on the 1st point of my August 14th entry.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pimp my ride

If local public transport companies are to increase the fares in the near future, they better think of a good way to put the excess into good use. Part of the money should be used to zhnging their assets: the vehicles that they owned. When i mention the word zhng, i don't mean putting side skirt, uber big bumper, neon headlight, Mugen stickers and LED run light all over the bus (looking like a chao Ah Beng's WRX or christmas tree). What they need to zhng, is to design a proper drainage system in the bus for the rainy day.

Damn the bus ride for making my sneakers wet, lucky my hp didn't drop into the puddles of filthy water.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Today i have learnt that:

1) All kind of show/drama be it English or Mandarin will always have the same kind of ending. They will end it like the way we end our primary/secondary composition, 'and I wake up it was just a dream' or 'and they live happily ever after'.

2) In the olden days before the term blogging was used, people write down their day to day event on the wall of an abandoned house hoping that strangers will discovered it by chances.

3) Maybe the vandal responsible for the vandalism in the Tampines multi-storey carpark is trying to blog down his day to day events on the carpark after knowing that people in the olden days record it down on the wall.

4) Apple Hong just released her new album not long ago, hope that her album will not end up like Slyvester Sim's album, left on an isolated corner in Carrefour selling for $2 per album.

5) There is a new part time job I can consider after retirement apart from being a taxi driver and ice-cream vendor on motorbike, I can be a trolley retrievers.

6) I have thought of the slogan to my new after-retirement-part-time job. It will be, ' one dollar, one dollar Uncle, Auntie 我帮你推 trolley, one dollar, one dollar' Hope this slogan will attract more people to let me have their trolley after shopping.

7) Nowadays in schools, CIP points can be exchange for twenty dollars. Maybe we should encourage student to do life-threatening stunt like eating fire, walking on tight rope or throw them into a sea of sharks in order to exchange for CIP points.

Excerpt from a blog:

I got pulled out and got a good talking to that there is a minimum requirement of $20 to get my CIP hours credited to me, to prevent some students from slacking etc. Yeah right, this is where the problems start coming in. How can you judge that a student has put in "enough work" ? There is a stark difference between a student that puts $20 in the tin can himself, goes home and slacks half the morning, some even napping, playing computer games. When time's up, he goes to school and hands in the tin can. Passed, no sweat.

The other students, more determined to earn the money themselves, go around fighting with other gazillion secondary schools taking part in this St John flag day. He spends 5 hours going around, and yet due to tough competition did not get the $20 required. At the end of the day, tired and sweaty, he passed up the can. Failed, no CIP hours!

8) People from China prefer to commit crime in Hong Kong than China. They will swim across the sea risking their arse getting bite from the sharks just to come to Hong Kong to commit crimes because they are paid better in Hong Kong jail than working in China. Best of all, they are guaranteed a better future back in their homeland after they are released from jail as they will be taught English during their jail-term in Hong Kong Prison. Not a bad reason to go jail after all, at least you are guaranteed a better future.

9) A taxi driver claimed that price hike is rightful because taxi driver deserve some pay rise after all. Kiss my ares?! Only you deserved a pay rise we don't deserve?

10) Avoid driving to Suntec next month if not you will have to keep smiling while on the wheel.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Today i have learnt that:

1) We are actually paying tv license to watch our favourite/beautiful actress being smooch. In another words, we are actually paying to make ourselves jealous and deflating our egos. The actor in that channel 8 9 pm drama is really a lucky bastard as i remember he is paid to kiss an actress in Minute Maid advertisement. (pissed)

2) If your other half actually caught you flirting with someone, you can get away with reason like the girl you are flirting with is actually your long lost primary school friend or you can tell your other half that your friend is in trouble and you must offer your help. But never reveal the gender of your friend.

3) I still think that $2000 is too much for a woman to get the figure she always want after giving birth.

4) I can spend money buying book.

5) Authority are spending money engaging overseas talents to design and build a park connector connecting Mount Faber, Telok Blangah Hill and Kent Ridge when a Phua Chu Khua kind of contractor can do the same job. If they are doing all these to attract people to these places, building shopping malls and IRs there will do the job for them.

6) After so many years, the courtesy campaign seem to fail. The reason lies with its icon, Singa the lion. You call this courteous when you are smiling without wearing any bottom (see picture below). The courtesy campaign have thus been replaced by the 4 millions of smile campaign for the IMF meeting.

How can you attract visitors when you are smiling without wearing any pants?


Ever try mixing mentos with coke? I advise you strongly against it, you might just die of explosion from the result of consuming the two item.

A day out to town

Can't believe what i bought on my trip to town, i think not even reader of this blog will believe it. Yes i bought a book, an English novel entitled Train Man. Caught the drama and movie of it, this book certainly didn't escape from my pair of eyes during my trip to Kinokuniya. Read a few pages of it during my way home, despite that i have already caught the drama and movie, i still find it interesting. Will be getting one or two more books to prepare for my enlistment next month.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Subscribe to my blog! No subscription charges!

Activated my site feeds subscribed to Feedsburner for quite sometime already. I went around asking pipples how do they get update on my blog? This is one of the most common replies i get so far, ' eh i just click on your website in my internet browser to view lor' and when all they clean up their history, my website get erased again and they start asking for my web address again. Ask them to subscribe and they will tell me they don't know how to use the RSS Feeds. Nair mind, i will give my readers tutorial on how to subscribe to my blog via RSS Feeds.

Click to enlarge the pictures if you cannot see clearly.

Firstly, i am not sure if this work for Internet Explorer because i have not been using that browser for 3 years ever since i found Firefox
(integrated pop up stopper to prevent adware and spyware and several embedded functions to benefits user). Its one of the best browsers to ever benefit netizenIf you don't have Firefox, download it. For those with , when coming into my website, on the bottom right hand corner of your browser you will find a small feeds iconclick on it and they will ask you to subscribe to my blog via xml or RSS 2.0; click on either one and a bookmark will pop up. Click 'Ok' to save the bookmark and my webpage will be save into ur bookmark. Its a 'live' bookmark, meaning that whenever u highlight my webpage in your bookmark, when there's an update on my blog, new entry will be added into the sub-tab in the bookmark. It works with all website wich have feeds subscribed in it. Its simple and its free, no extra subscription charges!

This is also one of the reasons why i chose Firefox over IE, it have an emebedded RSS feeds functions integrated inside to allow me to subscribe to websites that have feeds in them so that i do not need to keep on clicking (will spoilt my mouse easily one leh!) to the same website to check for update. Its all automated!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Javducation on National Day.

Today i have learnt that:

1) It is alright to propose and kiss your girlfriend wearing your military uniform infront of national television. All along, i thought NSF were taught not to show PDA (Public Display of Affectionate) when they were recruits. But, for sure he won't be charged because its National Day and he can argue that he was heeding the government advise to get marry young and have more babies.

2) Singapore mandarin drama always have this coincidental plot. Your uncle is my colleague at work and your brother always play football with me on weekend and now you are my property agent. If not, then the plot will be, your friend happened to be a chick i picked up during one of my many visits in pub and i almost bedded her, if i don't bed her, i will bed you. This is the kind of plot in Made-in-Singapore drama. No wonder i watch more HK TVBI drama than local production.

3) With a ten years-guarantee-we-won't-change-our-damn-plot in local drama, i am not surprise that nowadays local production are filled with young stars-wannabe who can't act or having actor who talk like he have two golf-balls in his mouth. When all fail, throw the actress into the pool, make her wearing constrasting undies and shirt. In another words, sex sells when all fail.

4) Less and less taxi on the road ? Taxi driver can't earn enough because lesser people taking taxi due to price hike and therefore they quit?

5) Taxi companies are suggesting to Land Transport Authority (LTA) to allow foreigners to be taxi driver. I wonder will i ever get to the place i want to go if an eng mo taxi driver was to service me.

6) Singapore Idol is trying its very best to kill both of my ears everyweek, and with the new season of 绝对 Super Star, i am seriously thinking how my ears will survive all this in the long run.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

National Day Special

Got this article while reading, i guessed the author of the blog chose a write time to release this article about his interview with David Marshell, in case teenagers or pipples of my age who did not study Singapore History during their 10 years of compulsory education and don't know who is David Marshell (shame on those who didn't have any idea who is David Marshell), click on the link on his name to know more about this local opposition politician.


'Many years ago, I made a promise to David Marshall, the first Chief Minister of Singapore and one of Singapore’s finest legal minds.

The promise was to publish in full an interview, which I had with him on 5 May 1994 at the offices of Singapore law firm, Drew & Napier. Today, about 12 years after the interview and as Singaporeans celebrate 41 years of independence, I am pleased to make public this interview in full and keep a promise made.

This interview was part of an assignment for my college newsletter, which I completed with two others. An edited version of this interview was published in my college newsletter that same year.

He died soon after in 1995. I felt privileged to have met David Marshall in his lifetime. It was a dream come true since, from the age of 12, I had always wanted to meet him.'

<Full story>

Its an inspiring interview, read it. To all reader of my blog, wishing you guys a Happy National Day!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Over the weekend...

caught Tokyo Drift on Sat with my poly friends, not much of a storyline but its still a great show for me because the chicks and the cars inside were great stuff. The US version of Initial D and that very little bit of Pimp My Ride or what mrbrownshow would called it, Zhng My Car.

Watched Click with one of my secondary school classmate this afternoon after training, its a hilarious movie with a bit of touching scene in between as i caught my secondary school classmate crying and keep on saying that scene was touching. Well, yes, it was touching, but i somehow managed to surpress it.

Overall, a money spending weekend and exactly 1 month to my enlistment!

*PS* Why today Mcdonald got no Big Mac when i craved for it? Mcdonald Beef-Free day? damn it.

Friday, August 04, 2006



Today i have learnt that:

1) Ah Beng drugs peddler will have to look for jobs elsewhere because not only doctor are selling drugs in their clinic, drugs are sold in kopitiam and HDB flats using the 7-11 style, 24/7 running to provide services to the addicts. Maybe those Ah Beng drugs peddler should concentrate more on giving commited services to their 'OEM' DVDs business.

2) Not all student will work hard just by reading harshly-worded letters and before the principal start writing the letter, ensure that she is ISO-9001 eng mo certified free of grammer mistake. Gov is encouraging the Speak Good English campaign and the head of the school is not giving a good example by issuing letter with full of grammatical mistake.

3) We cannot write and publish government issues (be it on a light or heavy touch) on the mainstream media such as the newspaper, but we can do a play on it and the authority won't ask a question about it. Not even when you name your play after a local opposition politician.

4) Its not worth breaking into a house and risk getting your ass jabbed by the window grille, chased by resident and in the end falling down breaking your head and getting arrested just for a miserable $2.

5) Singapore Changi Airport Terminal is highly prone to terrorist attack because in a drama i just watched on Channel 8, a girl managed to go into the airport control station and use the PA (Public Announcement) system to call for her boyfriend. If a girl can just go into a control station i don't see why terrorist can't invade the airport with ease.

TGIF - Speeding Save Lives


Look like it's abit logic to be speeding.

Thursday, August 03, 2006



1) Singapore is generally a happy place to live in because not only majority of Singaporean are happy, survey have shown that majority of maid are happy too. Maybe they are happy because their employer give them weekend off to go Golden Mile Complex to hang around and get a boyfriend. But don't get pregnant, pregnant maid is not a happy maid.

2) Drug addicts are on a rise because they can get drugs from a licensed doctor instead of going to those Ah Beng drug peddler along Geylang.

3) Singapore largest elephant is going to donate its sperm to a zoo in Europe, i started wondering how are they going to transport the sperm to Europe. Using a custom made uber big rubber condom? How many rubber tree will be sacrifice to make this condom will be the next question . Male elephant do expreience horniness and menopause and their horniness can last for 3 - 5 months. What a horny bastard.

4) Musth is a good word to replace horny

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Education system on a down?


The phrase 'Why you didn't do your homework again?' have been following me around for a very long time during the time i was schooling, all the way up to my tertiary education, my tutor will still be nagging at me to do my tutorial so that i can get better grade so on and so for. However, no matter how hard they try to convince me that doing tutorial is the only way to get good grade which i think otherwise. In secondary school, i can be described as a mischevious student, often distrubing classmate with my pranks and getting punished for either that or not completing my homework on time. The punishments then was standard in a way, stand outside the class, detention classes, suspense from school, see princpal, see parents and last of all if worse come to worst, will only be expulsion from school. However, in recent times, punishment have gone a level ahead of the traditional corporal punishment. How many of us actually know what is the meaning of corporal punishment? I suppose not many people will know what the term corporal punishment mean. Teacher asking the whole class of student to bash up just because the student didn't do his homework. This mean that i should be beaten up long ago by my classmate. Teachers resort to violence and vulgarities just like how student resort when they can't handle their emotion. Last time female teachers can only cry out loud or male teachers chasing us out of the classroom when they can't handle their emotion.

Teacher demanding a published apology on Straits Time just because the student hurled vulgarities at her and she was very disturbed after the incident happened. The teacher have been living in a cave for half of her life that she have never heard of vulgarities being hurled before? I agree that the student maybe overboard with this however the teacher was also over-reacting by demanding published apology. Not as if during my secondary school times, we were such angels not to scold teachers. Be it secondary school days or during my times in polytechnic, i can always been seen as the bad student who always argue with teachers. Although i always end up at the losing side, due to some conspiracy i suppose, I was never made to do a public apology infront of the whole school or lecture group let alone publishing apology on Straits Time.

In one of the link i posted, 2 students caught having sex in school being suspensed from school. For once, i want to point out this meaningless punishment. Suspension are usually given to student who commited serious offences. Students who are being suspensed from school because they commited serious offences just mean that the school are actually giving them the chances to commit the offence in public. In this case, suspending the two students from school just being that they are given the chance to have sex in their respective home without being caught because their parents will be working. Its time that they reviewed about this punishment to consider if what i said make sense. Teachers actually should be given a manual or instructions guide to help them identify what kind of punishment is acceptable and unacceptable.

Punishment, something that a teacher will use only when a student get uncontrollable on his/her behavior. Long gone are the days of corporal punishment, creative punishment are what people in the education business are seeking, using violence or trying to humilate a student? you choose it. Who knows , one day we might see teacher/lecturer setting up blog to complain about his/her student just like what students are doing nowadays.

* I was lucky to have graudated to be blogging about this. If not, let lecturer find out about this. I sure kana marked by them*

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Darth Vader vs. Japanese

Darth Vader vs. Japanese Police - video powered by Metacafe

Check this video out, Darth Vader goes to Japan, 'Watashiwa Darth Vader-kun.' hahaha.