Living on a tiny red dot

Sunday, November 26, 2006


This week i have learnt:

1) That life is make up of alot of 'what if' You will always be asking yourself what if this happen what if that happen.

2) That sorry may seem to be the hardest words to most people but it doesn't seem so to some others. Sorry can't solve everything FYI. Opps sorry

3) That i am only worth $1.4k plus. Damn!

4) That GST is rising to 7% and Civil Servant pay is rising at the same time but not mine and not any white collar workers in Singapore. See the link?

5) That rising the GST is a way to help the poor, then how can the poor be helped when they have to contribute to the rise also?

6) That it is possible to use internet in the middle of Australia's desert.


7) That yet another teacher in Singapore have found stardom by dating his own student. Find yourself stardom by becoming a teacher can be the next theme to attract more youngster to the education business.

8) That only authorities can set up sex related business and not private agency; look at the sexpo in Suntec and you will get what i mean. Sex sells everywhere in this world.

9) That i am 2 weeks away from becoming a chao private soldier.

10) That i always like to end my entry with a 10 pointers.


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