Bar Chor Mee
Was flipping through my msn received file when i saw this: My commitment to Bah Chor Mee done by Xavier. Decided to share the content here to prove to pipple how bo liao NSF can be when they are craving for bah chor mee.
Here it goes:
we the lovers of the bah chor mee
pledge ourselves to only eat the best
regardless of race, no matter who cook it
to eat the most delicious of bah chor mee
base on the price and my taste bud
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our noodles.
PS: Vier, please try to do a rap on it next time, it may work better.
haha, yea. i just read it thru again n it sound so national pledge, don't know will kana charge anot later when ppl find out abt this.haha
By jav, at 10:14 PM
thanks huh.
By Anonymous, at 4:58 AM
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