Tribute posting - Starhub
I want to thanks Starhub for the broadband services they providing. The best internet connection( the so called 'FAT GREEN PIPE' choked green pipe you mean?) i can ever find, saving my electricity bill by disconnecting my broadband every 10-30 minutes after leaving my ass off my computer seat to get drinks or toilet break. Thanks for the consistent calling me to remind me of outstanding payment for the month every now and then because i regularly feel it hard to part with my money for such poor services monthly.
And also, i want to thanks Starhub for regularly disconnecting my mobile line because of my refusal to pay up for such pathetic service every month. And after which my refusal to pay up the outstanding balance for my mobile, they decided to play some childish punk my disconnecting my residential line because it is also register under Starhub. Thanks for letting me know that a service provider and be so childish at time. Who know after this posting, they might resort to something more gangster like burning down my house or ask people to lock up my gate just because of my refusal to pay up. You should just give yourself a new name: STARFUG for providing such out of the world customer services and product. We might just turn to your enemy for better services soon! (FYI: i find M1 customer service better than what you have provide)
By DAVID CAO, at 5:34 AM
By DAVID CAO, at 5:34 AM
By DAVID CAO, at 5:35 AM
By DAVID CAO, at 5:35 AM
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By Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
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