Living on a tiny red dot

Monday, August 13, 2007

NDP 07

Finally, it ended. 4 months of marching, getting every of my Saturday burned to prepare for the big show on 9th August. Now i realized what they mean by 台上一分钟, 台下十年工。 (what happen on the stage maybe one minutes, but it take ten years to prepare). It may not take us 10 years to prepare all this, but it can be say to be tough to drag your feet to book in at 8am every Saturday morning and booking out as late as 10pm at night, missing out on the gathering with your buddy and getting yourself tired after one day of training under the hot sun, but all in all, its worth it as the parade was a success. After all, finally this parade is the last of 2007 having took part in the SAF day parade too, summing up an eventful 2007. I will miss the gossip session in the waiting area before the parade, the guys who joined in the gossip, the rush to return arm after the parade to book out fast and also the every Monday off! NDP 07: a memorable parade.

picture (left): NDP 07 marching contingent

Monday, August 06, 2007

Tribute posting - Starhub

I want to thanks Starhub for the broadband services they providing. The best internet connection( the so called 'FAT GREEN PIPE' choked green pipe you mean?) i can ever find, saving my electricity bill by disconnecting my broadband every 10-30 minutes after leaving my ass off my computer seat to get drinks or toilet break. Thanks for the consistent calling me to remind me of outstanding payment for the month every now and then because i regularly feel it hard to part with my money for such poor services monthly.

And also, i want to thanks Starhub for regularly disconnecting my mobile line because of my refusal to pay up for such pathetic service every month. And after which my refusal to pay up the outstanding balance for my mobile, they decided to play some childish punk my disconnecting my residential line because it is also register under Starhub. Thanks for letting me know that a service provider and be so childish at time. Who know after this posting, they might resort to something more gangster like burning down my house or ask people to lock up my gate just because of my refusal to pay up. You should just give yourself a new name: STARFUG for providing such out of the world customer services and product. We might just turn to your enemy for better services soon! (FYI: i find M1 customer service better than what you have provide)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Javducation - 1/8/07

Been a long time since i last did Javducation mostly the reason due to, too tried to even touch the papers to look at news. But nevertheless, i gonna start picking up the papers and start this online education running again.

Once again i learn:

1) that blogger not only serve as a place for blogging, recording down your daily happenings or dull s in life, it also serve as a place to find your missing friend. <link here>

2) that if you happen to have a friend who natural reflex reaction was to grab your arm and try to fracture it, chances of you going home with a broken arm is high.

3) that guys, if you date a girl out and do not wish to send the girl back home, simply ask her how's she going back, if she say she is going to take a bus at the bus stop nearby, simply wave goodbye to her and walk the opposite direction.

4) that bus fare is gonna cost a minimum $1 upon boarding very soon in the near future. GST hike, bus fare hike, expenses hike but never your pay.

5) That some people can achieved orgasm by going to the dentist, maybe plucking out wisdom tooth can be orgasmic too.

<link here>


A MAN, on his first visit to a polyclinic, made lewd remarks and obscene noises while the woman dentist was treating him.
She ignored him but later made a police report.

On Wednesday, odd-job worker Benjamin Lim Chy Meng, 38, pleaded guilty to insulting the modesty of the 28-year-old dentist.

He was fined $1,500.

Lim had gone to the polyclinic on July 10 last year at about 11.35am.
While the dentist was scaling his teeth, he started to make obscene noises, saying it was orgasmic.

5) that in UK, a typist thumb cost more than a soldier's leg. If you are a typist and you HURT your thumb, you get $1.5M. However, if you are a soldiers' who LOSE your leg, you only get $177k, so is it because a thumb cost more than a leg or just because soldiers got a cheap life compare to a typist?

6) that it's ironic that we are encouraged to make more babies but some people (e.g. celebrity) got her contract suspended just because she's 7th month pregnant.

It has been awhile...

Sorry to my viewer, been quite awhile since i last post an entry. Been really busy with national service involving with all sort of parade you can think of. National Day Parade being part of it of course. Well its coming to an end and i'm getting kinda more breathing space right now, look out for this space again for frequent entry by me in the near future.

In the meantime just sit back and relax, keep a lookout for the continue of 'Javducation' .