I do not find what he said humourous, instead i find what he said make sense.
extracted from The Newpaper on 10th July 2006, Sunday in corresponse to this article http://www.todayonline.com/articles/127762.asp written by Mr Brown, and the reply a few days later made by the MICA http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2006/07/letter_from_mic.html, after reading both side of the story, i feel that although Mr Brown is trying to sound funny in his column but what he mention inside was true, price hike, transport fee increase and one day we might just have to pay to use our house lift. Authority should not make a huge fuss of it and issued him with such a stern remark, like what authority have mentioned to Today, explore situations provide solutions, they can actually provide solutions to what Brown had mention inside his column instead of accusing him of distorting in the name of humour when what he mentioned was true. He is just voicing out about what typical Singaporean is feeling and going through. Even if he doesn't mention this, Singaporean can still feel the changes and tell the differences whether its good or bad, small fry like us do not have a say in the Parliment that's why we need to voice out in column, if that's the case we can't voice out what we want to say then don't ask for opinion. Its ridiculous when a columnist becomes a 'partisan player' in politics.
The rest i leave it to fellow Singaporean and my readers to judge, no offence here made, just a 2 cents worth of my view.
So say we all, so say we all!
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